“So Long, Farewell…

27 04 2010

…Auf Wiedersehen, adieu. Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you.” – The Sound of Music.

Dear readers,

We have come down to the epitome of our blog.

Hopefully by now you have grasped a concise, if not brief, idea about the life of Steve Saint and his most prominent characteristics of genuine saving faith according to the book of James.

To the untrained eye, our blog may seem long, boring and unsightly, therefore, we will summarize our main points in 200 words or less.  Hopefully.


1. Steve’s father was killed by the Waodani, a native Ecuadorian tribe.

  • Steve persevered through times of strife and did not blame God for his father’s death.

Nate Saint

2. Steve’s daughter died due to a cerebral hemmorhage.

  • Steve used his daughter’s death as a spark to rekindle his passion for preaching and reconnected his heart with God.

Stephenie Saint



1. The Waodani were savages who killed Steve’s father and 4 other missionaries.

  •  Steve went back to Ecuador to live with the Waodani and did not judge them as murderers, but rather, saw them as new opportunities to gain friends and spread the Word of God.

Steve and the Waodani

2. Mincaye was one of the Waodani involved with the death of Nate Saint. Steve’s father.

  •  Steve forgave Mincaye and did not hate him for taking away his father. Rather, he accepted Mincaye into his family and his heart.


Good Works as a Product of Faith

1. Steve preached to many communities

  • Steve travelled with Mincaye and sometimes Steven Curtis Chapman to preach the Word of God and about how God had helped him get through many difficult trials so that unbeliever could come to know Christ like him.

Steve and Mincaye Preaching

2. Steve helps the Waodani and other nations in the Americas and Africa

  • Steve had a company called I-TEC which helped the Waodani become more technolgically advanced, build churches, and become stronger Christians so they could spread the Word of God. Steve knew true Christians helped those who were needy and unbelievers.

Steve built a flying car for the Waodani

Now, you make be asking yourself, did Steve Saint only possess these three evidences of genuine saving faith? The answer is NO!!!

Steve showed every evidence of genuine saving faith mentioned in James. He’s an exemplary Christian who lives his life for Christ, first and foremost. He, himself, said that sufferings are “blessings” from God.  Steves life was shaped by James 4:17 and verses like it — “Anyone who knows the good he ought to do but doesn’t do it, sins”. We should all follow the advice mentioned in James because like Steve we could all have an amazing relationship with God where there’s 100% trust and love.

 To find out more about Steve go to “Check these out!” on the sidebar. To find more about James turn to the New Testament in the Bible and start reading. Amazing discoveries will be found, if you take the time to do a little searching.

L & B