A little video of Steve

30 04 2010

Now that you all know Steve, we thought we would show you how truly amazing he is in person and what a great Christian he really is (according to James of course).

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” – Steve Saint quotes one of the missionaries killed with his father.

We also wanted to thank everyone for reading this blog and we hope you learned at least one thing!!!

L & B

“So Long, Farewell…

27 04 2010

…Auf Wiedersehen, adieu. Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you.” – The Sound of Music.

Dear readers,

We have come down to the epitome of our blog.

Hopefully by now you have grasped a concise, if not brief, idea about the life of Steve Saint and his most prominent characteristics of genuine saving faith according to the book of James.

To the untrained eye, our blog may seem long, boring and unsightly, therefore, we will summarize our main points in 200 words or less.  Hopefully.


1. Steve’s father was killed by the Waodani, a native Ecuadorian tribe.

  • Steve persevered through times of strife and did not blame God for his father’s death.

Nate Saint

2. Steve’s daughter died due to a cerebral hemmorhage.

  • Steve used his daughter’s death as a spark to rekindle his passion for preaching and reconnected his heart with God.

Stephenie Saint



1. The Waodani were savages who killed Steve’s father and 4 other missionaries.

  •  Steve went back to Ecuador to live with the Waodani and did not judge them as murderers, but rather, saw them as new opportunities to gain friends and spread the Word of God.

Steve and the Waodani

2. Mincaye was one of the Waodani involved with the death of Nate Saint. Steve’s father.

  •  Steve forgave Mincaye and did not hate him for taking away his father. Rather, he accepted Mincaye into his family and his heart.


Good Works as a Product of Faith

1. Steve preached to many communities

  • Steve travelled with Mincaye and sometimes Steven Curtis Chapman to preach the Word of God and about how God had helped him get through many difficult trials so that unbeliever could come to know Christ like him.

Steve and Mincaye Preaching

2. Steve helps the Waodani and other nations in the Americas and Africa

  • Steve had a company called I-TEC which helped the Waodani become more technolgically advanced, build churches, and become stronger Christians so they could spread the Word of God. Steve knew true Christians helped those who were needy and unbelievers.

Steve built a flying car for the Waodani

Now, you make be asking yourself, did Steve Saint only possess these three evidences of genuine saving faith? The answer is NO!!!

Steve showed every evidence of genuine saving faith mentioned in James. He’s an exemplary Christian who lives his life for Christ, first and foremost. He, himself, said that sufferings are “blessings” from God.  Steves life was shaped by James 4:17 and verses like it — “Anyone who knows the good he ought to do but doesn’t do it, sins”. We should all follow the advice mentioned in James because like Steve we could all have an amazing relationship with God where there’s 100% trust and love.

 To find out more about Steve go to “Check these out!” on the sidebar. To find more about James turn to the New Testament in the Bible and start reading. Amazing discoveries will be found, if you take the time to do a little searching.

L & B

It’s more than just a dictionary definition…

22 04 2010

Impartial [im-pahr-shuh]: adj – not partial or biased; fair; just.

To a Christian, impartiality is more than just a dictionary definition, it should be a way of life. James 2:8 says, “If you really  keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbour as yourself,” you are doing right. But if you show favouritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.” This verse is a reminder as well as a command to Christians that a true believer will not show partiality nor will they judge others.

Steve Saint yet again showed the characteristics of a true believer as he did not show partiality to the Waodani for killing his father. Steve had many reasons to hate the Waodani. For starters, they killed his father when he was only 5 years old. Secondly, they killed his father’s friends when he was only five years old. This list goes on and on, but that is not the point. The point is, no matter what horrible things the Waodani did to Steve, Steve forgave them.

At the age of 10, Steve went back to the Waodani every summer and became great friends with many of them. Later on in life, Steve was baptised by Kimo and Dyuwi, two Waodani that were involved with his father’s death. Steve never held a grudge against the Waodani for taking away his father. Steve never hated nor judged the Waodani for what they did prior to their conversion to Christianity.

Steve was also rewarded greatly for his unwillingness to show favourtism. Mincaye, another Waodani who was involved with killing his father, was converted shortly after 2 of the murdered missionaries’ wives, Rachel Saint, and Elizabeth Elliot, went back to the Waodani to continue their mission to bring Christianity to the tribe. Mincaye is now a preacher to the Waodani, and one of Steve’s greatest friends. He is know as “Grandfather Mincaye” to Steve’s family because he is now like a Grandfather to them.

What about you? Imagine your father was murdered brutally and you knew who the killers were. Would you forgive them? Would you hate them forever for what they did? Would you be like Steve, who forgave and let go of the past? Or would you judge them and treat them differently?

Steve showed his genuine faith in God when he accepted the Waodani for who they became and not who they once were. He was impartial and refused to judge them based on their past.

“Impartiality is a pompous name for indifference which is an elegant name for ignorance,” – G.K. Chesterton.

L & B

Dead faith is as worthless as a 5 day old chewed up piece of gum

22 04 2010

Do your actions represent the faith you possess?

This is a key question in every Christian’s life and was one of the most key questions in Steve’s life. James tells us that faith which is not acted out is really not faith at all because in James 2:17 it says “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

Fastforward a couple decades to 1995. Steve is a preacher and he owns a company called I-TEC (go to Links –> Resources to find out more). He displays God’s love and truths through all his actions. He preaches the Word of God and brings unbelievers to Christ. Steve is a natural producer of good works because his faith is so strong due to God’s trials that have strengthened his heart and soul.

But Steve has a challenge, the Waodani want him to return to their tribe to help them. Should he go? Should he not go? Steve’s faith is strong, but can it withstand the thought of helping murderers live better lives for God? Steve spent a lot of time praying about this one situation in his life, and after a lot of prayer, he decided to go to Ecuador with his family. Steve helped the Waodani build technological devices like planes and portable dentistry labs and he taught them how to thrive as Christians once missionaries left them. Steve has also helped various countires in West Africa and South and Central America in the same way as he did with the Waodani.

Flying Car

Portable Dentistry Lab

Steve’s genuine faith allowed him to do good works for God even though he had very good reasons not to. Steve’s faith could have been dead after all he had suffered, but God’s will chose a different path for him that has allowed him to be an example to all of just how powerful living faith can be.

Does your life and faith produce good works? Give an example.

Do you think it is always easy to do good works? Why?

L & B

The End of the Spear

13 04 2010

As said in previous posts, Steve Saint first became famous because of his father, Nate Saint. Steve spent most of his childhood living only with his mom and without a father figure. Why? Not because his father ran away or decided he had enough of his family…but because his father was taken away. His father had a choice though, and he chose to be a witness of God to the Waodani, a head-hunting tribe. Although Nate’s choice led to his death, it ultimately led to the glorification of God.

And that brings us to Steve. You see, Steve was now left with a choice of his own. On one hand, God had just taken away his friend, his protector, his hero, the person he looked up to and the person who promised to one day teach him how to fly his very own plane. God had taken away his father. On the other hand, Steve could take this tradgedy as a challenge to shoulder his father’s task of going to the Waodani and spreading God’s good news. For those of you who don’t know, Steve chose the later option. James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the man who perserveres under trial, because when he has stood that test, he will recieve the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.” A genuine Christian with saving faith will respond to trials differently than a non-Christian. Steve Saint was an example of a genuine Christian, for he trusted God and was unrelenting in his faith.

Through Steve’s eyes, God had planned out his father’s death. If his father and the four other missionaries hadn’t died, the Waodani might not have been converted. If his father hadn’t died, Steve would not have one of his best friends right now. Mincaye, also known as Grandfather Mincaye to his family, was one of the men who killed his dad and is now one of Steve’s closest friends.

Though at the young age of five, Steve had already decided to trust in God and in His sovereign plan. Through times of strife and trial, Steve’s faith remained steadfast and he has continued to walk with the Lord despite all the circumstances. It is very evident that spiritual warfare is happening and that Satan will do anything to get inbetween you and God. But the question is, will you let him? What would you do in times of hardship? Would you cower in fear before Satan and give up? Or would you stand up tall, look Satan in the eye and tell him to try his best, though his best will never work.

A Thorn by Martha Snell Nicholson
I stood a mendicent of God before His royal throne
And begged him for one priceless gift, which I could call my own.
I took the gift from out his hand, but as I would depart
I cried, “But Lord this is a thorn and it has pierced my heart.
This is a strange, a hurtful gift, which Thou hast given me.”
He said, “My child, I give good gifts and gave My best to thee.”
I took it home and though at first the cruel thorn hurt sore,
As long years passed I learned at last to love it more and more.
I learned He never gives a thorn without his added grace,
He takes the thorn to pin aside the veil which hides his face.


L & B

Be careful what you ask for!

11 04 2010

Steve had lost his father to a tribe of head hunters as a young boy(more on that in a later post), but he didn’t think death would happen again.

Steve was a preacher. He preached the truth of God to many regularly, but soon it became a memorized speech with no passion. He begged God to show him His heart so that he could speak passionately to the hurting world which is exactly what James tells Christians to do in times of trial (James 2:5 which says if you lack wisdom ask God and he will give it to you).

Steve had three sons and one daughter. Her name was Stephenie and she was the youngest. Stephenie had gone away on a trip to spread the gospel around the world and she finally returned home one day. Steve was so ecstatic to have his entire family together again; so, he thanked/praised God for this. Later that day, Stephenie had a headache and decided to sit out of her own coming-home party. Her mother and father sat and prayed with her and while they prayed Stephenie had a massive cerebral hemmorhage (basically an explosion of blood vessels in the brain). She was taken to the hospital, but died later that evening.

Steve had remember what he had asked the Lord to show him and he got exactly what he had asked for. His heart was torn and ripped to pieces. God had taken away his only daughter, but he did not blame God. He thanked God and accepted His will. God had shown him how he could preach truthfully and sincerely to a hurting world. Steve never once doubted God plans even though the suffering hurt so much. Now, Steve had something to speak passionately about with the world — that suffering was a true blessing. Steve verified what James describes is an evidence of faith in James 1:12 — those who persevere through trials are approved by God as having genuine saving faith and receve the ultimate gift of eternal life.

Stephenie with her parents in the jungles of Ecuador

Do you think that you could see suffering in your life as a true blessing from God?

L & B

Would you run away…

7 04 2010

…or would you choose to stay? Now that is a question. You see, it’s not the question, but it is merely a question. Are you confused yet?

Born deep in the jungles of Ecuador, Steve Saint grew up surrounded by leafy greens and rainy days. For the first four years of his life, he lived a happy, somewhat normal life, besides the fact that he was living in a little cabin in the rainforest… millions of miles away from civilization.

When his fifth birthday rolled around, Steve’s life changed drastically. Before his birth, Steve’s parents, along with four other families, were called to be missionaries in Ecuador to the tribes hidden in the forest.

The Waodani Indians aka. the Aucas, were natives living nearby in the jungles. Brutal and vicious, these people were merciless to those who trespassed on their land. Anyone who strayed onto their land had a 0.01% chance of coming out alive. Hardly any of these tribe members died of natural causes, but it wasn’t because of some  jungle medical phenomenon, but because no one lived long enough to die naturally. Over 60% of the tribe were murdered by someone else in the tribe. The homicide rate of these jungles were sky high.

See those big ear lobes...?

 The Waodani used to stick giant corks into their ears as fashionable earrings.


Now, there was an oil company who needed to drill for oil in the jungles close to where the Waodani Indians lived. Like always, the Waodani would attack and kill anyone who came to their land, including those who worked for the oil company. This is where Nate Saint, Steve’s father, and the other missionaries come in.

The Elliots, McCullys, Saints, Youderin and Flemings were called to go to the jungles of Ecaudor to try to resolve this problem between the oil company and the Waodani before the oil company took matters into their own hands. But how to approach this head-hunting tribe?  Lucky, living along with the five families was a young Waodani girl named Dayuma, who ran away from the tribe years ago. She was their guide to the Waodani culture and language.

The five men decided to fly a small plane over the Indians and dangle a basket full of small gifts – gifts that could be useful to the tribe, such as a aluminum kettle and a machete – and fly in tight circles above, yelling into a microphone, hoping that the Indians would get the idea and take the gift. After the third time this was done, the Waodani surprised everyone by returning a gift to the five missionaries. After around three months of initial contact, they decided it was time for a face-to-face meeting. They found a long strip of beach that would be ideal for a plane landing and prepared for their trip. For a couple days, they would fly in and out of the village, inviting the Indians to come and visit them along the beach. Their first initial contact was with a man, a woman and a young girl. They talked for a couple hours, apparently friendly, and even gave the man, whom they dubbed “George” at the time, a ride in their plane; but the three Waodani left as suddenly as they came. The missionaries were encouraged by this encounter, dubbing the day “Friendly Friday” and began making plans immediately for further contact.

However, little did they know that the “friendly” man, George, had lied to his tribe about the missionaries’ intentions. On Sunday, January 8, 1956, Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Roger Youderian, and Peter Fleming prepared for another day of encounters with the Waodani and flew off towards the beach. Upon landing, they discovered three Waodani women who stepped out of the jungle towards the men. Jim Elliot and Peter Fleming began walking forward while the others hung back as to not scare the women. Suddenly, a group of six Waodani men rushed at the missionaries, about to attack. Jim Elliot was speared first and then the rest of the missionaries. Their bodies were speared and hacked and thrown into the river to be washed away or eaten by fish and turtles. One of the bodies was never found.

Now this story would suck if it ended right here, but luckily, the legacy of these men did not die along with them. Their wives and children continued living the life of a Christian and ministered to the Waodani people. To this day, Steve Saint, son of Nate Saint, the pilot who was killed by the Waodani, is close friends with Mincaye, one of the Waodani warriors who participated in the murder of his father. The Waodani were transformed by the grace of God and the relentless work of the families of the five deceased missionaries who gave up their lives as a testimony of God’s unfailing love for these Indians. In the posts to come, you, the reader, will see how Steve Saint exhibited genuine, saving faith according to the book of James.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose” – Jim Elliot.

How great is our God.

L & B

Research is like stalking…

7 04 2010

Steve Saint was born January 30, 1951. He’s the son of Nate and Marj Saint, the husband of Ginny Saint, and the father of Shaun, Jaime, Jesse and Stephanie.

Currently residing in Florida with his wife, Steve makes regular trips to the jungles of Equador to minister to the Waodani, also known as a head-hunting tribe.

Please hold for more information.

Please enjoy this picture of Steve Saint with his wife, Ginny, standing infront of their yellow plane.

Avec a yellow plane

L & B

Day 1 – Blogging Attempts

31 03 2010

Hello World.

This is Elizabeth and Hannah, more commonly known as Lizard and Bananas.

There are many complications in our blogging so please bare with us…We have many problems in our posting as well as our commenting.

What are pingbacks? It’s a fun word to say.

That is all.

L & B